Saturday, July 20, 2013

But, What Happens to the Children

Divorce is a get out of jail free card in 2013.  If the marriage hits a few bumps in the road, no problem just get a divorce and live happily ever after.  Divorce has become a way of life – it’s accepted in our society not because it’s the right thing, but because it is now the norm.  In America, there is one divorce every 13 seconds. That’s 6,646 divorces per day, and 46,523 divorce per week.

Possibly dad and mom need to sit down and have a little meeting of the minds before deciding to bring children into their marriage. If the marriage is already on a shaky foundation, little angels from heaven aren’t going to be the glue needed to save the marriage. Children are our most precious gifts and blessing and yet they are the ones who take the hit from a divorce.

In 2013 marriage is one of those feel good things; it’s no longer about a commitment by two people to love, cherish, honor and cherish till death do us part. In this generation you can go out and buy marriage just like you would a new car and at any given time you can trade your spouse in for a new model.  But, what about the children?  Picture the family after divorce. 

The divorce is over parents have joint custody of the children. Dad and mom are adjusting to their new freedoms and single lifestyle, but not the children. Something is wrong with this scenario, because all is not well with the children.

Susie and Johnny literally live out of a suitcase; they’re frequent travelers from one parent’s home to the other without their security blanket. Do doubt dad and mom believe they’re giving the children the best two worlds, but no one bothered to ask the children.

50% of all North-American children will witness the divorce of their parents. Almost half of them will also see the breakup of a parent's second marriage. (Furstenberg and others -Life Course-)

Statistics on children after divorce show that the little ones are truly the ones that suffer emotionally and physically.

There are no easy solutions to this dilemma.  Parents make fairly quick adjustments after divorce and the children suffer for years sometimes their entire life.  There’s definitely something wrong with this picture. 

As Always,
Little Tboca

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