So often it’s the little things that many people consider insignificant that is an irritant to the judge.
First of all your appearance is important, don’t dress like farmer Jones or Susie hot pants. Beware, your body language can be a dead give away – smirking, shaking your head, clenching fists and shooting daggers at your soon to be ex won’t win you any brownie points with the judge.
If you’re a pro se litigant don’t walk into court with an armload of loose papers decorated with a bunch of post it notes. Pertinent information should be organized and neatly packaged. Don’t antagonize the judge, chuck the yehs, huhs and shrugs at the door – address the judge as “your honor” and put on your best suit of manners showing respect to the man or women who has your future in the palm of their hands.
If you’re a pro se litigant don’t walk into court with an armload of loose papers decorated with a bunch of post it notes. Pertinent information should be organized and neatly packaged. Don’t antagonize the judge, chuck the yehs, huhs and shrugs at the door – address the judge as “your honor” and put on your best suit of manners showing respect to the man or women who has your future in the palm of their hands.
Don’t forget to fill out interrogatories correctly and don’t miss a scheduled court date. You have a right to represent yourself - having said that you have certain responsibilities too!
Now for the “Do’s” that will give you a home run. Get your divorce forms from the court or go on line to your State’s government website and download them. Check on the Statute of Limitations and verify which court will hear your divorce. Learn the laws in your state before serving papers.
Do your paperwork, double check each form and make sure your signature is legible. Do study courtroom procedure and study your State’s divorce laws. Always address the judge not your spouse or his or her legal council when speaking.
Going to court totally organized is the icing on the cake that will help you get your home run. Take time to prepare a winning case for your day in court. Organize your documents, tag them correctly, compile all bills, receipts and data in an orderly manner by date, time and subject.
There is help out there for those contemplating or going through a divorce. CaseBoss has offered to help people prepare their divorce case. Two important things: (1) This service is absolutely free, and (2) CaseBoss has a team ready to assist you and answer questions. Go to www.caseboss.com get started today.
Little Tboca
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