Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What 1200 Judges (Divorce)

The decision to represent ones self in divorce court is a difficult choice for several reasons. For some it’s a money issue and for others it’s a personality conflict between themselves and their attorney or they feel they can do a better job on their own. The most difficult problem for a pro se litigant is knowing how to work within the judicial system.

The perfect divorce if one could refer to it as that is when both parties actually agree on division of property, assets and financial obligations. Usually when children involved, both parents want to share custody and agree upon joint custody. This is the perfect scenario for those who want to do it themselves without intervention from the courts. 

The pro se litigant who believes he or she will do a stellar job representing themselves has many obstacles to overcome. Very few of these people realize that they have just undertaken a job that will require hours of study and homework. The entire divorce process requires a certain amount of legal knowledge and the ability to control one’s emotions.

Lets assume you have filed your divorce papers timely. You know about the Statute of Limitations, how to legally serve papers on your spouse and understand how to draft and answer interrogatories. But, the big question remains – do you know how to work within the Judicial system and build a winning case. The bottom line is this – have you created a case that will insure a decision in your favor from the judge. 

There’s a reason that judges and the American Bar Association say that pro se litigants often times lose more than they should in divorce court. Most pro se litigants don’t know how to work within the Judicial system, signatures and the Statute of Limitations are forgotten, interrogatories aren’t completed properly. Pro se litigants end up in court totally unprepared because they don’t understand the intricacies of building a powerful case for their day in court. 

Remember you have one day in court and one small window of time to present your case to the Judge. Nobody cares about your case more than you do. Finding yourself in court can be a scary and frustrating experience. is offering free assistance to 100 people who are contemplating or going through a divorce.  Don’t go to court with your pants down – the caseboss team will show you how to build a powerful case for your day in court. 

Just one click of the mouse is all it takes. Go to
As Always,
Little Tboca