Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Divorce Marriage Shacking Up

Sometimes, even those who blog regularly get on a soapbox, please excuse me if in fact that’s what I have done.  Divorce hit my doorstep many years ago! 

Divorce makes headlines daily – the Hollywood crowd loves the publicity and treats divorce like the latest and greatest fad to hit the streets. 

Many Internet sites have jumped on the same band wagon and are laughing all the way to the bank, because they’re selling false promises to those who are desperate. 

Divorce has been promoted and advertised as the way to a “new you” - it's a way to exchange an old model for a new sexy chassis that just came off the showroom.  It’s being used by some men and women as a means to attain financial freedom via manipulation of family laws that are older than our great grandfathers. 

Divorce has become the “norm” – way over 50% of marriages are shredded via divorce.  The vows taken at the time of marriage have been relegated to the ancient history shelves – no longer vows but just idle words.  Often times the person who has been the bread winner and has devoted a large part of their lifetime to caring for their spouse and children is the one who takes the hit.

Shacking up, pregnancy, abortion, one night stands are a way of life for many in our Nation – we’ve gone from a moral Nation to a Nation of immorality.  People are losing touch with reality – divorce is just a way of life, marriage is just one little glitch in the road that can be solved literally overnight. 

The reality is this – divorce is tearing our Nation apart at the seams.  When a home is shattered by divorce, the children are the ones who suffer the most.  When will fathers and mothers start thinking about the kids?  Children need a father and mother to mentor, love and discipline them.  They don’t need a bunch of trinkets and toys – they need a family, a father and mother who will work together to provide a roof over their heads and love, lots of love.

Family laws were put in place to protect those who live in an abusive relationship where addiction or mental illness is prevalent.  Alimony wasn’t meant to be a cure all for one spouse – merely a way for the parent who has been the main caregiver to get on their feet, get more education if necessary and prepare themselves for the workforce.  Many States are changing alimony laws, because they realize that the old laws that granted alimony for the lifetime are not just outdated – they are harmful and abusive if misused.

Family law judges are concentrating on what truly is in the “best interest” of the children.  Ideally if both parents are responsible, good parents a judge wants both father and mother to participate in rearing the children.  Often times now fathers are becoming the primary caregivers of the children so the tide is truly changing.  Men have received the big “D” divorce shaft long enough – they must quit assuming that their soon to be ex will treat them fairly. 

For those contemplating divorce, it may be very wise to have a free consultation with an attorney and find out how the divorce laws in your State will affect you…  The grass isn’t greener and maybe two adult people have a chance at saving a marriage – it’s worth a try.  

As Always,
Little Tboca

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