Monday, June 30, 2014

Infidelity and Divorce
What happens in a divorce case if one partner proves to be unfaithful?

Is infidelity in a marriage taken into consideration by a family law judge?  If you’re in a no fault state, it probably isn’t going to be a deciding factor in your divorce. Infidelity will cause problems when the cheater tries to get their spouse to agree on a tentative settlement. It is only human nature to fight back when one feels betrayed or rejected; it’s the one trump card that the jilted spouse holds and it’s an extremely powerful card. 

At this point, the spouse no longer feels an inner need to be fair, whatever that may mean.  He or she turns into a banker, accountant, a strategist and what might have been a mutual divorce turns into the wreck of the century. What about the children, who’s is watching out for the children? Two outstanding attorneys always put the children first in their courtroom – neither judge approved of an intimate relationship during the divorce. 

Katherine Eisold Miller is a prominent Collaborative Lawyer and family mediator is now a public educator helping husband and wives choose the best way when divorce is eminent. 

Katherine feels the children should be the priority and encourages parents to make best choices for the children’s sake. She feels an adulteress relationship has very little impact in a no fault state. But, in those states that take fault into consideration the division of property, alimony, child support can be seriously affected.

A family law judge (Judge Ann Kass,) from New Mexico always put the children first. She had zero tolerance for those intimately involved in a relationship before the divorce is final. 

Although New Mexico is a no-fault state, Judge Ann Kass always put the children first. In one of her articles, she said,” But whatever the grown-ups do to themselves, they should absolutely avoid introducing any new companions to their children until the divorce is over and until there is a solid foundation for the new relationship with some reasonable degree of probability that it will last.

If married adults would put the children first, there probably wouldn’t be as many divorces or broken homes. Divorce devours the entire family; no one misses the angry fangs of divorce. 

As Always,
Little Tboca

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Divorce - Are You Ready for the Long Haul?

It’s a proven fact that necessity is the “Mother of all inventions or ideas.”  Thomas Edison didn’t like to work by candle light so he invented the light bulb. Old Ben Franklin had problems with his eyesight so he put two lenses together known as bifocals. Steve Jobs was the founder and creator of “Apple.”  Where there’s a need – there’s usually a way to create a product or service that saves time, money and aggravation.

Check this out - it's a free service for one year!  Are you contemplating divorce as we speak?

Something many people don’t realize is divorce problems can show their ugly heads  years after a divorce is granted if there are children involved.  Picture the ex spouse sitting in your home, collecting alimony, child support and living high on the hog.  All that was left for you was 8 supervised visitation days per month with the children, horrendous legal bills and a broken heart. To make things worse, this person was a pro at manipulating the court system.

As the years passed, you became a frequent flyer in the courtroom – your ex wanted more money because you’d received a promotion, accused you of child molestation, accused you of stalking and the dirty list rambles on… Nothing went your way in the courtroom!

The ex defied the court’s rulings and pretty much got off free as a bird. This devious person refused to get counseling for your child, refused to help your child with homework. This shark spent all of their spare time thinking of ways to snatch more money from you, but one day everything changed.

You received full custody of the child, the ex had to pay their portion of all medical bills for the child, had to go for counseling and was ordered by the court to get a job (no more alimony payments.)  You’d been walking through “hell’ for 12 years, but a light bulb finally went off in your head and you did two things at this point: (1) Eliminated any “he said, she said” evidence, and (2) Created a powerful case for your next court visit.

This person who was beaten up by the judicial system is the boss at – the boss who really works for you.  This website will help those going through or contemplating divorce. The caseboss team has openings left for those who want to build a powerful divorce case for their day in court. No charges, no gimmicks or hidden agendas – you have free use of the site for 1 year and access to a team that will answer questions or offer assistance. This is not a legal site.

Until pro se litigants accept the responsibilities that accompany self representation, they will continue to leave the courtroom with head hung low feeling they had been ripped off and the whole world is against them. It’s not easy representing yourself – it takes an extensive amount of homework and energy on your part to prepare for your day in court.

A story is just a story and everyone going to divorce court has a story to tell.  Be a good detective, take your story and turn it into a powerful divorce case backed with the cold hard facts, paid receipts, documents organized by subject, date and time.  is just a mouse click away.

As Always,

Little Tboca

Monday, June 23, 2014

Don't Lose Your Divorce Case

Maybe you've been contemplating divorce for a while, but getting up one day and whacking your spouse with the news that you’ve filed for divorce may not be in your best interest. 

If divorce looms on the horizon in the near future - here is a good rule of thumb to follow. Keep your dirty laundry at home - social media may result in loosing your divorce case. Don’t let the egg come before the chicken!

It’s not wise to broadcast via Face Book, Twitter or other social media or share with your supposedly best friend that you hate your spouse and intend to pay him or her back. What you say out of anger or runaway emotions on a social venue may in fact affect a judge’s decision. 

It is critical to your future and the future of your children (if children involved) that you make rational well thought out decisions.  Usually it takes two to tango and both parties share responsibility for a marriage crash. If you feel all avenues have been exhausted for repairing the broken marriage, then go forward with Plan A and prepare for your day in court. 

Best idea at this time is to become a good detective – go back several years and gather up all documents that pertain to your assets. Start a journal and keep a daily log of money spent, children’s activities, medical bills, retirement funds and all paid receipts.  Now is the time to record any and all information that will be beneficial to you in court - record credit card bills, medical bills, bank statements etc. 

After doing this extensive homework it’s time to sit down and talk with your spouse.  Don’t let emotions or anger enter into this conversation – it’s a strong possibility that your spouse may want to end the marriage too and is open to a divorce by mutual agreement. This saves both parties the expense of legal counsel or arbitration. 

If on the other hand this turns into a free for all or nasty divorce you need to understand what it means to create a strong powerful case for your day in court. Your objective is to eliminate the “he said, she said” malarkey and replace it with the cold hard facts. 

There is a new company, not launched yet who has openings for those contemplating or going though divorce.  Go to   No secret charges or hidden costs involved it's free for one year – you’ll find a great team of people who will answer questions and assist you in your case building. 

As Always

Little Tboca

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Divorce Isn't a Free Ride

It's Not Free

As you’re surfing the Internet, you find a maize of divorce websites that offer “free” services for those contemplating or going through a divorce.  It’s human nature to go after the free stuff!  So often the “free” isn’t really free – be cautious and very selective when surfing for divorce assistance.

Divorce forms and information can be located at your State government website – this is a best policy because not all States honor the online divorce forms. Check out the websites that offer divorce support – take the time to find out their history and verify that their site does in fact offer good advice and support.

Here are a couple of divorce support sites that have an established online presence offering information on family law.

If you want legal advice, the safest bet is to get a consult with an attorney – usually there isn’t any charge for this service. Like any other profession there’s a few naughty attorneys out there just looking for the next “sucker,” but overall there’s a great bunch of divorce attorneys with stellar reputations.

Pro se litigants beware because the Net has a bunch of vultures out there just waiting to get in you pocketbook. Filing for divorce, filling out interrogatories, learning about the judicial system isn’t easy – don’t fall prey to the sites that promise you the perfect divorce wrapped up in a box with a pretty bow.  It’s the old adage, if it looks to good to be true then????

The American Bar Association says as much as eighty percent of the legal needs of the poor are left unmet.  Pro Se litigants are at a disadvantage due to lack of legal experience and knowledge. There’s no quick cure for this problem, but each State in our Union offers a variety of divorce venues that offer assistance to those going through a divorce.

Here is a new company preparing to launch that offers free assistance to those contemplating or going through a divorce. This company will help people for one year prepare a divorce case for their day in court. The service is entirely free – no hidden surprises or last minute charges. They have an outstanding team waiting to answer questions and give you assistance.  .

The majority of pro se litigants don’t realize that the spouse who has taken the time to build a case will probably be the one walking out of the courtroom with a smile on his or her face.  Imagine going to court with a powerful case in hand – documents are organized by date, time and subject.  Financials, paid receipts, liabilities all neatly packaged and ready for your day in court.
As Always,

Little Tboca

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Getting to Know Your Divorce Judge

Those going through divorce have a plateful, in fact it’s more like a tubful of do’s and don’ts.  If you’re going it alone (pro se,) here’s one more thought to fill your already cluttered mind.

 If you are contemplating divorce it might behoove you to do a little investigating and check out the divorce judge who will literally have you life in his or her hands.

Do you know who your divorce judge will be for your day in court?  Do you know how he or she controls the courtroom?  Don’t assume that just because you’re a good person – it will be smooth sailing in the courtroom. 

Are you going in front of a pussycat who wants both litigants to live happily ever after – if so he or she will probably slices the pie right down the middle. The pussy cat thinks it takes two to tango and strives to satisfy both parties.  He’s pleasant and provides a comfortable atmosphere in the courtroom – definitely not power driven!  

What if you find yourself in front of a legal eagle “owl” that follows family law statutes by the book?  He or she won’t budge and a pitty party may give the impression that you’re begging for mercy - that doesn’t sit well with the ole owl. Don’t take it personally, but he won’t budge and you’re about to have the family law book thrown at you.

Then again you may find yourself in front the no nonsense “tiger” and he or she pretty much considers the “he said, she said” testimony as crap and dives for the heart of the divorce.  Children are his or her priority and he’ll do whatever it takes to insure that the children get the best piece of the pie. He is well versed in family law and very capable of making tough decisions when necessary. This judge deserves a big thank you, because he’s honest, knowledgeable and the children are his priority.

No doubt there are a few family law judges who enjoy putting the squeeze on both parties. He or she basks in the power they possess in the courtroom - there won’t be any doubt in your mind that they are in control. Speak only when spoken to and don’t expect any favors.  Whatever you do don’t cross this person because he or she has your future in their hands!

 This article is based on personal experience and each judge has a name – cover your bet by preparing a powerful case for court and knowing your judge’s courtroom DNA. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

Friday, June 13, 2014

Divorce Attacked by Obamacare

Most of us bragged for years about living in the land of the free. But, in 2013 a major glitch has arrived on the scene. It's called ACA (Obamacare) and at this time it appears Americans have just lost their freedom of choice. The Government is trying to take over our healthcare insurance hook line and sinker. 

Dr. Ben Carson said : "If we don’t stop Obamacare, we’ll end up with a single-payer system.  Dr. Carson goes one step further and compares Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) to slavery saying, “It’s the worst thing since slavery.  Dr. Carson says that Obamacare is just paving the pathway allowing our Government to take over American Healthcare." 

Obama started Obamacare with the idea of attacking Insurers, Physicians, Surgeons and the entire medical field.  His strategy was to place Americans in such a comprising position that they had to depend on the Government. This is happening already as the few that are signing up for the healthcare program find themselves totally dependent on the Government.  

If you are contemplating divorce and you have children, it might be a good idea to find out what the future looks like for you when it comes to healthcare.  Possibly the company you work for will either dismiss you or cut your hours drastically, because in 2014 businesses are about to be attacked by Obamacare. No one can predict the actual outcome, but most analysts feel jobs will be in jeopardy.

Obamacare website has lost information, scrambled it sometimes listing a child as parent and actually ate your information so until you see something positive in writing from your Insurer it may be wise to hold off on divorce at this time. Find out what your deductible or co-pay will be - that deductible must be paid up front before receiving medical care so it's crucial to know that missing number.  

There are too many unknowns out there at this time. No one knows if they will have a job, lose their full-time hours, how much healthcare will cost, if they are even covered by healthcare insurers at this time, if unemployment benefits will be extended and if Obama and gang will change the rules for healthcare in the near future.

Maybe jumping into divorce at this time isn't the best choice - possibly keeping the marital relationship in tow is the best business decision. There's a possibility that it may take two paychecks just to survive the Government takeover of our healthcare - 2014 isn't looking too bright and shiny at this time. It appears that there may be insurmountable problems in the near future due to Obamacare.  

It’s obvious that Obama, Democrats and the Liberal News Media know by now that Obamacare is doomed and beyond salvaging. Their strategy is to continue this fiasco – they want to turn our healthcare into a single payer system?  

In the meantime, Obama and the Democrats are destroying our economy and weakening our Nation. Don’t forget that Obama has a slush fund that allows him to spend whatever he wants as long it’s under the Obamacare guise. This slush fund is good thru 2014 and ends in 2015. 

Ask your Senators to tell you daily how much is being spent on the promotion of Obama care and repair of a faulty website.  I’ll bet there’s not one Republican or Democrat that can give you accurate figures – that should tell you something. 

As Always,
Little Tboca

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Till Death Do They Part

Often times the picture perfect marriage where two people vow to love, care for and honor till death do they part falls apart at the seams. What appeared to be a perfect union between a man and women has disintegrated over the years and it seems that the marriage is fractured beyond repair. Neither party had used divorce as a get out of jail free card - neither one contemplated divorce for years...

Neither one is pointing a finger or blaming their spouse; they just wake up one morning and realize that the once powerful relationship no longer exists.  

They both agree that it’s time to go their separate ways. No need to hire legal council, after all they’re intelligent adults and both are willing to sit down and complete the necessary paperwork to end their marriage. 

They will divide up assets, retirement and financial obligations insuring that neither one will suffer needlessly. This is a fairytale divorce without hero or heroine – no villain and no magical being to come to the aid of the hero.

This type of divorce which definitely works for some is called a non-contested or mutual divorce. Both parties agree on division of property, assets and financial obligations.  If children are involved, usually both parents want to share custody so joint custody is agreed upon. 

But what happens when neither spouse can agree on division of property, assets, financial obligations and child custody. Oftentimes one spouse hires a high powered attorney to represent them while the other opts to be a pro se litigant. Unless the pro se litigant is prepared to do an extensive amount of homework and preparation odds are against them. 

Due to their lack of judicial knowledge and courtroom procedure they’re at the mercy of the spouse who has legal council. One has a case to present to the Judge and the other has a story laced with “he said, she said” testimony. Although many judges have empathy for the pro se litigant, their hands are tied and they must make determinations on information at hand.

The American Bar Association and many judges say, “Pro Se litigants often lose more then they should when representing themselves,” because the pro se litigant doesn’t know how to prepare his or her case based on hard facts. There are many workshops and self help information venues for the pro se litigants, but few take advantage of this type of support. 

An Arizona company not yet launched is extending a hand up to  pro se litigants for a year without any charges or hidden surprises.  Go to  The service is free absolutely no strings attached, it will help the pro se litigant prepare a powerful case for divorce court. 

Their team is waiting to assist you and answer your questions while you learn to prepare your case for your day in court.

1. Judges have little patience with pro se litigants or legal counsel who comes to Court unprepared.
2.  Judges have a small window of time and make final decisions based on verified information presented to them.
3.  Judges are in control of your future – decisions are made on hard facts and not “he said, she said” information. 

As Always,
Little Tboca

Don't Forget the Children

When divorce knocks at the door often times the father and mother are preoccupied in their individual missions that they forget the children. One spouse is high tailing it out of Dodge because selfishly they consider “divorce” a lifeline and a pathway to freedom.  The other spouse sees no freedom in sight; they see their world as they once knew it going up in smoke.

Notice that neither parent thought of the children first – they were too busy arming themselves and preparing for battle.  This has nothing to do with their love for their children – most parents love their children unconditionally.  It’s all about priorities sort of like which comes first the chicken or the egg.  If you are contemplating divorce, possibly you should sit down with your spouse and discuss the welfare of the children. 

They both feel that they’re in a sink or swim mode and their first instinct is to save themselves and deal with the children later.  During this survival instinct one or both decide to use the children as pawns. They degrade each other in front of the children and try to get the children to take sides. 

How evil, these little angels are just left there dangling without an advocate in their corner.  Sometimes dad or mom are so infatuated with their new playmate there isn’t any time to hang out with their kids.

The other spouse is on a never ending roller coaster ride of emotions, anger - they’re obsessed with the desire to cremate their once loving soul mate leaving them unfit to be around the children.

So what about the kids, who really cares about the kids?  Shouldn’t the kids be the first priority when divorce is on the horizon?  There are judges out there who are children’s advocates and they do everything in their power to protect the children.

One of these judges is a great lady (Judge Ann Kass) from New Mexico and she believes the courts should give more weight to the children’s rights than the rights of the parents.

Honorable Judge Ann Kass decided to include a “nesting” plan for some extremely out of control parents.  Nesting is when the children remain in their home and the parents with suitcase in hand take turns moving in and out of the children’s home.

This was Judge Ann Kass’s way of leveling the playing field where neither parent would have total control.  The parents experienced what the children will be going thru as they are shuffled back and forth with suitcase in hand.

“Nesting” seems rather extreme, but it encourages parents to put their children at the top of their priority list.  Divorce is a home wrecker and children are pretty much at the mercy of the parents unless the judge intervenes. 

Before jumping into a divorce, take time to think about your children’s welfare physically and emotionally. There’s no cut and dried solution when there’s a divorce with children. 

A few things that will ease the pain of divorce for your children is: (1) Both parents need to communicate a message to their children that they are loved, (2) Never make the children choose sides – don’t use them as pawns, (3) Both parents should do whatever it takes to help the children thru the confusing transitions created by divorce, and (4) Sit down with the children and assure them that the divorce isn’t their fault.

It’s a proven fact that children want your time, your love and the security you can offer them, not lavish gifts or expensive toys. 

Love Can’t Be Purchased – it’s a God given commodity that your children deserve!

As Always,
Little Tboca

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Where's the Last Little Duck?

It seems a bit outdated to speak about getting your ducks all in a row, but it’s a proven fact if you forget the last duck your day in court may be disastrous. That last little duck is the secret that loses many divorce cases – without that little duck you don’t have a strong case to present to the judge. A winning divorce case takes time to prepare, sorting receipts, documents, assets etc., but it's a must do if you want to present a strong case in divorce court. 

Let’s assume you’ve filed divorce papers, followed state laws on serving your spouse, have temporary orders in place and answered all interrogatories. It would appear that you’ve been diligent in doing your homework and the judge’s decision should be in your favor.

Did you forget that the judge literally holds your life in his or her hands? The judge has a small window of time to hear your case and your spouse has all of his or her ducks in a row. They have prepared a case backed by hard facts eliminating the “he said, she said” testimony – they can back all of their statements with paid receipts, accurate timelines and verifiable proof. 

Don’t be a loser and walk out of court thinking what you should have, could have but didn’t do…  Help is just a click of the mouse away! 

Check out – the boss that works for you. Here you’ll find information on preparing a divorce case along with support from a great team who will assist you in preparing. This service is free, no strings or hidden agendas to those contemplating or in the midst of a divorce.  Very few things in life are free, but this is one time you’ll discover free assistance, answers to your questions and free support.

Go to  and start building a powerful case for your day in court.

As Always,
Little Tboca

Best Interest of the Children - Divorce

Best Interest of the Children

The “Best Interest of the Children” is a phrase worth remembering.  If your divorce is being contested, the judge may be the one who has to make the final custody decisions.  The priority of most family law judges is the children, because technically they are acting as a liaison for the children.  Thank goodness divorce judges put the children first.

If the parents can work out the custody situation together actually thinking about the best interest of their child or children, it can be a win win situation for both parents and the children.

When both parents have been equal or almost equal caregivers, possibly joint custody would be a good choice. This allows parents to make decisions for the children on education, health, extra curricular activities, religion etc. Joint custody does appear best for the parents and/or children - when the children are shuffled back from one home to the other it may be a hard adjustment for the children to make.

Judges will delve into the joint custody issue, because he or she wants to feel that both parents are accountable, responsible and capable of making decisions together in the best interest of the child or children.  It’s a difficult call for a judge, because they are trying to decide if both parents are equal in their parenting capabilities and if both parents can work as a team to mentor, love and care for the little ones. 

Physical custody and legal custody are often intertwined.  The physical piece of this type custody means the child will live with one parent the majority of the time. This parent is considered the “custodial parent.”

The non custodial parent may be granted physical custody which means he or she will be a decision maker in important issues like health, education and religion etc.

With unmarried parents, laws in most states favor giving the mother sole custody if in fact she has demonstrated that she is a good parent. If the mother is unable to care for the child, the other parent (father) usually gets custody.

Family law judges get beaten up for making the tough custody decisions, but remember they consider the child first and what is in the “best interest of the child.”  

Custody of the children is the toughest decision family law judges must make, because sometimes it seems both parents have shared equal responsibility in rearing the children.  At times when the child or children are older the judge may talk with them and ask them their preferences. 

It is a good idea to check out your state’s family laws specifically the child custody laws regarding primary caregivers. Both parents should try to make the best choice for the children and not use the children as pawns in their divorce.

As Always,

Little Tboca

Friday, June 6, 2014

Turn Off the Hot Buttons in Divorce Court

You’ve passed the contemplating divorce stage and you’re headed for court for the showdown. You’ve been stellar in your homework, divorce forms and divorce papers are in order – you dotted ever “I” and crossed every ”T.” 

The divorce case you’re carrying in your briefcase is so airtight that no divorce judge in the USA would dare cross you or give you an unfavorable decision. This is merely wishful thinking on your part!

As you’re taking that final walk into the courtroom, your demeanor and body language isn’t exactly what one would perceive as friendly, in control and calm. Instead you look like a moose on the loose looking for a fight.

Going into the courtroom with all of your hot buttons turned on will blow your day in court clear out of the water.  So you’re mad, your emotions are verging on hatred for your spouse and you don’t care if the whole world knows your feelings, so what?  Not a good philosophy in the courtroom if you’re praying for a favorable decision from the family law judge.

Believe it or not some people forget their court date – not good this is a sure way to lose your case by default.  A judge once said, “can the cheap theatrics,” he or she means watch the body language and verbal interruptions in my courtroom. 

Don’t ever use the social media as a trash bucket – don’t threaten your spouse, defame them, brag about an adulterous relationship or make libelous statements on social media because it will come back to haunt you and bite more than a little piece out of your b—t.

There are occasions when people act in such an outrageous manner in the courtroom or hallways that they’re cuffed and hauled off to a jail cell. Don’t be one of these statistics.

You have a right to be heard in court, but you don’t have a right to disrupt the judge’s courtroom. You’re in control of your destiny – don’t blow your chances for a favorable decision by the judge.  Control emotions, dress appropriately for court, speak respectfully to the judge and have a strong fact laden case to present to the judge.

As Always,
Little Tboca

Will You Lose Your Divorce Case?

You're contemplating divorce and about to lose your case in court! How to lose your divorce and receive an unfavorable decision from the family law judge.  It's true that some divorce litigants just can't keep their emotions in tact and they've decided to re-invent the family laws in their State. So having said that - are you losing your divorce due to lack of knowledge, uncontrolled emotions and the gnawing desire to be the winner and punish your soon to be ex.

When one decides to take the law in their own hands, they will not just stub a toe or get their hands smacked  by a family law judge they are insuring that their future will be mighty bleak and without recourse. Don't fall into the unknown black divorce pit where there's no possible way to recover from your bad decisions.

Suppose you and your spouse have been having marital problems for years and finally you come to the conclusion that divorce is the only answer. Before talking with your marriage partner about divorce, you quietly and methodically create what you think is a winning chess game.

Since you are the financial genius in the relationship, you have access to savings and investments allowing you to transfer, hide and rearrange marital assets. You start skimming from the savings, bank accounts and other funds without detection.

Next you decide to move out of the marital home - you tell your spouse the move is better for both of you. Remember, you will owe rent on another place and actually still have responsibilities for maintaining the other household.  Moving out means one thing - you will have more expenses and once out of the house the soon to be ex isn't going to welcome you back in your home again.

Lord forbid if you are so out of control that you threaten or abuse your spouse. This can become a slam dunk for the ex when you land in divorce court. Judges frown on threats and physical abuse.

Don't use the social media as a place to air all of your dirty laundry, because your ex's attorney will use this as proof that you are an unfit parent or irresponsible party. What you say on the social media can and will be held against you...

Maybe you're in a payback mode and you want to flaunt your new girlfriend or boyfriend in front of your spouse and children. If you've bought this new playmate expensive jewelry, clothes or have taken them on luxurious vacations, you're going to rue the day that you felt so superior and in control.

Dress appropriately for divorce court, treat the judge with respect referring to him as your honor and when speaking about the children or assets be sure to clarify the statements by saying our children, our home, our assets etc.  Don't make faces at your soon to be ex or their attorney and don't set their shaking your head or pointing your finger at them.

Your future lays in the hands of the family law judge - conduct and demeanor will all have an impact on the judges final decisions. Don't try to reinvent the family laws in your State - be honest when you fill out the divorce forms and include everything that you and your spouse have mutually.

As Always,
Little Tboca

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Marriage Doesn't Have to Crash

Does legal separation always lead to divorce?  Does legal separation remove responsibilities for paying bills or supporting children?  Sometimes legal separation is a very positive decision allowing both parties time to cool off, get a handle on their anger and emotions. Maybe there's other answers besides divorce for men and women.

For many couples legal separation is a positive step before actually arriving in the divorce arena - it gives both parties time to reflect, analyze and evaluate their marital relationship.

Not all marriages have to end up in divorce.  Marriage without a doubt requires a willingness on both parties to give and take. Blame is never a solution, but it can create havoc in a relationship. Below is a video from Findlaw that briefly discusses legal separation. Legal separation may be a better option at this time then divorce.

As Always,
Little Tboca

Monday, June 2, 2014

Your Divorce Story - Advice Helps Others


Looking for informative divorce articles that may help those going through or contemplating divorce.  If you were a pro se litigant, take a minute to offer some first hand advice to others who want to represent themselves. Maybe you've experienced a fierce child custody battle - tell your story. Men's divorce is somewhat different from women's divorce - tell us your story.

Ideally it would be nice if the rapid divorce rate would slow up and marriages saved especially when there are children involved. 

Contact me at or send me an article to same address

As Always,
Little Tboca