Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to Lose Your Divorce Before Arriving at Divorce Court

How to lose your divorce and receive an unfavorable decision from the family law judge.  It's true that some divorce litigants just can't keep their emotions in tact and they've decided to re-invent the family laws in their State. So having said that - are you losing your divorce due to lack of knowledge, uncontrolled emotions and the gnawing desire to be the winner and punish your soon to be ex.

When one decides to take the law in their own hands, they will not just stub a toe or get their hands smacked  by a family law judge they are insuring that their future will be mighty bleak and without recourse. Don't fall into the unknown black divorce pit where there's no possible way to recover from your bad decisions.

Suppose you and your spouse have been having marital problems for years and finally you come to the conclusion that divorce is the only answer. Before talking with your marriage partner about divorce, you quietly and methodically create what you think is a winning chess game.

Since you are the financial genius in the relationship, you have access to savings and investments allowing you to transfer, hide and rearrange marital assets. You start skimming from the savings, bank accounts and other funds without detection.

Next you decide to move out of the marital home - you tell your spouse the move is better for both of you. Remember, you will owe rent on another place and actually still have responsibilities for maintaining the other household.  Moving out means one thing - you will have more expenses and once out of the house the soon to be ex isn't going to welcome you back in your home again.

Lord forbid if you are so out of control that you threaten or abuse your spouse. This can become a slam dunk for the ex when you land in divorce court. Judges frown on threats and physical abuse.

Don't use the social media as a place to air all of your dirty laundry, because your ex's attorney will use this as proof that you are an unfit parent or irresponsible party. What you say on the social media can and will be held against you...

Maybe you're in a payback mode and you want to flaunt your new girlfriend or boyfriend in front of your spouse and children. If you've bought this new playmate expensive jewelry, clothes or have taken them on luxurious vacations, you're going to rue the day that you felt so superior and in control.

Dress appropriately for divorce court, treat the judge with respect referring to him as your honor and when speaking about the children or assets be sure to clarify the statements by saying our children, our home, our assets etc.  Don't make faces at your soon to be ex or their attorney and don't set their shaking your head or pointing your finger at them.

Your future lays in the hands of the family law judge - conduct and demeanor will all have an impact on the judges final decisions. Don't try to reinvent the family laws in your State - be honest when you fill out the divorce forms and include everything that you and your spouse have mutually.

As Always,
Little Tboca


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