Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Divorce & Social Media Don’t Mix

Teen makes bad joke on Facebook and ends up in jail – very bad joke yes and he is paying dearly for his prank. Faces terrorism charges, badly beaten up in jail and his young life just headed south. Is social media controlling your future and life?

About 60% divorce attorneys depend on social media to offer substantial evidence against the spouse. The UK says 80% of the divorce attorneys use the social media to prove infidelity and adulterous relationships.

The American Academy of Matrimonial lawyers estimate that 1 out of 5 divorces are tracked right back to Facebook. Spouses and divorce attorneys are like hound dogs and they sniff out and often find information that will damage a husband or wife’s divorce.

Check this site out from on divorce statistics.

There is an ongoing debate about social media actually causing divorces – most likely the marriage or relationship was in the tanks before one of the spouses resorted to sharing personal information on social media sites. Why do people use the social media? Is it anger, uncontrolled emotions or the intense desire to pay back their spouse. Why do people going thru or contemplating divorce feel the need to share their dirty divorce secrets online?

Don't fall victim to the social media, because you have one day in court - don't blow your chances of receiving a favorable decision from the judge. Controlling emotions, especially the desire to pay back a spouse isn't just a good idea, it's crucial. Your future and life depends upon your actions and reactions.

As Always,
Little Tboca

As Always, Little Tboca

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