Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Divorce - The Dark Side of Alimony

Although there are times when alimony is necessary, it should not be misused by those just looking for a free ride. When both spouses have good jobs, equal pay and are capable of providing for themselves it seems rather unfair that either spouse receives alimony.

Women are the ones who usually receive alimony, but there are rare instances when the husband is awarded alimony. When a women deliberately misuses the legal system, isn't it time to revisit the laws concerning alimony and make the necessary changes that will prevent the money grubbers from scamming the system?.

Here is a video that exposes how women can work the legal system in order to receive alimony. Why do judges continue awarding alimony to those who are capable of supporting themselves?  Men have been the victims or unwilling participants in this skewed law for years.

States are starting to address the loopholes  in the alimony law and here is a Florida bill that makes alot of sense. http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/2330991181001/florida-ending-permanent-alimony/

Isn't it time to stop beating up the guys and level the alimony playing field? 

As Always,
Little Tboca

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