Wednesday, September 25, 2013

There Are Other Options - Divorce

When divorce is looming on the horizon often times it seems to be the only relieve for both parties involved in the marriage. 

Husband and wife wake up one day believing the grass is greener if they could just release themselves from this failing relationship.  Neither one is going to budge or change their minds.  So often only one party wants a divorce and they feel deceived and very abused. 

When abuse, adulterous relationship and addiction aren’t present the question arises – what has caused this beautiful marital relationship to fray?  It takes two to tango and it takes two people working together to make a marriage work. 

When anger and emotions dictate actions of people, the end results are at  times disastrous.  Decisions made during extreme stress can actually dictate one’s future and it’s not always positive or good.  Family law judges say most times neither party can remember what started this ugly pathway to divorce. 

If and this is a big “IF” both parties can find some common ground and start communicating again, there are several options out there that might save the marriage.  Both parties must want to save the marriage or it’s pretty much already headed too far south and beyond saving.

Court ordered legal separation is a great option for those not wanting to see their marriage dissolved.  Both parties must continue being responsible and accept the obligations that accompany a union or marriage.  The couples want marital assets, child custody and child support clarified and yet neither party wants a divorce. 

 Sometimes religion or taxes are the reasons that they agree on a legal separation, other times it gives them a cooling off period to live separately without their partner.

During this separation period some couples are considering reconciliation, counseling and some third party assistance that will help them put their marriage back together.  At other times, neither party wants to be reunited with their spouse – they just want to be legally separated without being divorced from their spouse.

Divorce is devastating when children are involved and there are other options available to husband and wife if they actually consider the “best interest” of the children. 

Remember way back when there were many valid reasons that you married this person – don’t let anger or outside elements like the recession ruin what was once a perfect marriage.  The extreme stress due to this Nation’s economic problems, Obamacare and overall a very dysfunctional Government tests a beautiful marital relationship. 

As Always,
Little Tboca

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