Monday, October 7, 2013

Before Hiring a Divorce Attorney - Ask Questions Now Not Later

When contemplating divorce, before hiring an attorney consider your first free consultation as an interview - you are the interviewer. 

You are on a “need to know” basis, which means the attorney pretty much needs a resume of past performance and experience when it comes to divorce and family law. 

This is pretty much the same scenario as hiring a CEO for a big LLC or Corporation – background information is crucial.  Has this person been involved with any illegal activities – has he or she received a sanction from their State Bar association?

Another great question to ask this person you’re interviewing is this – are you going to be the attorney representing me or will I be handed down to another member of your firm?  Why waste time with this person if in fact they aren’t going to be the one to represent you in divorce court.

Get the financial information up front; (1) What are your hourly fees, (2) What are the charges that you will be responsible for – how much will you owe for court appearances, how much for telephone calls and paralegal work?  If possible, negotiate for a flat fee – that way you know exactly what your legal counsel will cost.

Is this person primarily a divorce attorney or is their expertise bankruptcy, criminal law etc.?  Does this person you are interviewing know family law, division of marital assets, child custody, paternity and tax laws or other issues involving a possible stock portfolio, retirement or other fairly complex issues involving division of marital property.

Before meeting with an attorney for a free consultation, take pen and paper and jot down all questions for this person that pertain to cost of the divorce, their background, their track record in divorce court etc..  All questions are important, because it involves you past, your present and your future.

Everyone is traveling at such a fast pace in our society, trying to keep their head above water and survive.  What comes to my mind at this time, don’t assume anything - get everything in writing pertaining to your divorce case.  Surf the Internet with caution, don’t expose your dirty laundry on Facebook or the social sites and don’t let emotions or anger dictate your actions. 

Please remember this isn't a legal site - it just offers information that may be of interest to those contemplating divorce. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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