Friday, February 7, 2014

Child Custody Problems

All too often in a rage to pay back a spouse, your first thought is divorce that dirty rotten partner ASAP.

Well, that’s good for starters if you feel there is irreconcilable differences, but and there always seems to be a “But” in everything we do.

Suck it up, take a deep breath and sit down with that soon to be ex and figure out a child custody plan.

In 2014, fathers and mothers are working harder, longer hours just to keep the bills paid and food on the table.  One or both spouses travel or have an hour or so commuter ride to work.  The spouse that has been the primary caregiver just hired after months of being on unemployment and can’t take a chance of losing their job. 

So we have two people, children and a divorce on the horizon – not a healthy combination if the two people haven’t worked out the child custody problem.  Who will care for the children during the day, which parent will feed them, dress them and get them off to daycare or school?  Which parent is available if a child gets sick, hurt or needs special medical attention?

Who’s available for their extra-curricular activities or for doctor and dentist appointments?  So before serving those divorce papers on an ex, possibly rethink the child custody issue. 

The writing on the wall is this – if two parents can’t come up with a feasible parenting plan that is in the best interest of the children, then the family law judge will search through the broken bits and pieces of information trying to decide what is truly in the “best interest” of the children.

Some suggestions that might assist you when in a quandary about child custody is think about meeting with legal counsel.  Usually the first visit is a free consultation and even if you paid a bit, it might be well worth money spent in the long run. 

Even if you have other irreconcilable differences, the one thing that will help both parents is to go to divorce court with a solid iron clad parenting plan.  The children should always come first when contemplating divorce, because that is foremost on a divorce judge’s mind.  He or she will be the children’s liaison whether you agree with their decision or not…

As Always,

Little Tboca

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